Terms & Conditions

I am the primary owner of the dog that is the subject of this Agreement and Waiver (“Owner”). By signing this agreement, I understand and agree that my dog may participate in DogFit Dallas services and programs, including but not limited to training, socials, and community pack walks.

I represent that my dog is in good health, is free of any parasites and is compliant with a flea prevention program, is current on all shots and vaccinations, and is compliant with any medications.

I agree to disclose if my dog has either previously bitten another person/animal and/or has exhibited vicious or aggressive tendencies in the past. Based upon the past behavior of my dog, extra care or precautions may need to be undertaken to avoid harm to others. I am willing to discuss with DogFit Dallas additional safety accommodations that will need to be taken into consideration for my dog.

I understand that DogFit Dallas has relied upon my representation that my dog is in good health, is current on all shots and medications, and its behavior conforms as represented by my initials above.

I understand that my dog will be handled using training tools selected by Art Ortiz and DogFit Dallas staff, and I consent to the use of such leashes and guides as DogFit Dallas deems appropriate.

While my dog is in the care of DogFit Dallas, if I am unreachable in the event of an emergency, I hereby authorize DogFit Dallas, its agents, employees and/or representatives to seek immediate veterinary care for my dog(s) through a veterinarian of his/her choice. I authorize DogFit Dallas as my agent for making the health care decisions for my dog in the event of an emergency. I understand that all costs in connection with veterinary, medical or other treatment, shall be my sole responsibility. I agree to pay and reimburse DogFit Dallas for any emergency care or expense incurred to treat my dog.

I hereby release and agree to hold harmless DogFit Dallas, its owners, officers, employees and agents from any and all liability, claims, suits, actions, loss, injury or damage of any nature or kind, or for any liability, claims, suits, actions, loss, injury or damage which I or my dog(s) may sustain or which may be caused in any way by my dog(s) or which may be asserted by any third person as a consequence of my dog. I specifically, without limitation, hereby contractually agree to fully defend and indemnify without limitation Art Ortiz, DogFit Dallas and AR Ortiz Enterprises LLC, its agents, employees, or assigns for any and all such liability, claims, suits, actions, losses, injury or damage sustained by either myself, my dog, or any other animal or third party.

Further, with regard to any claims or liabilities by myself or any third person involving my dog, I specifically agree to wholly release and hold harmless, and fully indemnify DogFit Dallas, its owners, officers, employees and agents as to any loss, cost, claim, injury, damage or liability, resulting from or caused by DogFit Dallas’ own negligence or that of any of its employees, representatives, or agents, specifically including any loss sustained or incurred which is caused by an act or omission, whether negligent, intentional or otherwise, of any employee, representative, or agent of DogFit Dallas.

I agree to pay all charges incurred by the services I or my dog(s) receives while in the care of DogFit Dallas according to its standard rates and posted pricing schedules. I additionally give consent for my dog to be photographed while utilizing DogFit Dallas services, which photographs may be used for any promotional, advertising, or other purpose including websites and social media postings.

I agree that any disputes, claims, liabilities, or causes of action involving this Agreement and Waiver or arising out of or involving my dog’s participation in the DogFit Dallas’ programs, shall be resolved exclusively through submission to binding arbitration. I waive all rights to a jury. I agree that conducting a formal mediated settlement conference will be a condition precedent to the filing of any suit or arbitration proceeding.

I certify that I have made full and accurate disclosures and have read, understand and accept the terms, conditions and statements in this agreement. Furthermore, I acknowledge that this agreement is a legal document that shall be effective and binding upon all parties.