community pack walks
Community pack walks are FREE. It's as simple and enjoyable as it sounds - a group pack walk! We simply ask that you review the rules and RSVP!
We will meet once a month and explore the neighborhood, merging dogs & humans so that we can bond as a pack, a community.
These pack walks are an essential opportunity to connect with like-minded dog enthusiasts who have the same goal: to be better for our dogs & be better because of our dogs.
Training is an ongoing experience, and we aim to make it a social one where you feel safe to come as you are and strengthen your relationship with your dog.
Saturday, September 14 - 10:00 AM
Wag’N Bone @ The Village
5670 Village Glen Dr STE 130
Dallas, TX
We ask that you keep these guidelines in mind:
Create space. Keep some distance from other dogs, especially dogs you don't know.
Do not allow dogs to meet nose to nose. This creates excitement, and we are trying to create a calm environment.
NO RETRACTABLE or FLEXI LEASHES! Bring a regular leash or a slip lead no longer than 6 feet long. Hold the leash short but not tight. We'll have slip leads for sale if you'd like to purchase one.
You walk in front of or next to your dog.
Try to be silent. This is a great way to clear your mind and to form a stronger bond with your dog. Take in the energy around you; be present. Enjoy your surroundings.
Walk in a calm and slow manner all together; try to stay with the pack. No running, no jumping, no weaving around objects - this increases adrenaline and distracts people and dogs, again creating excitement.
Don’t allow your dog to stop and sniff everything. Keep walking.
Please bring poop bags and water.
Tag us in your photos and videos @dogfitdallas!
If you bring children, please make sure that they respect the dogs' space, don't let them run up to any dog or pet any unfamiliar dogs. Strollers are allowed, but the paths might be a little uneven.